Friday, 22 March 2013

What we called "rezeki"

Assalamualaikum ..
 it's most 2 days after the event done .
now i can breath smoothly ..
but it doesn't mean i can relex ..

then, what actually i say . .?
what event..?
then what "rezeki" .. ?

oke lets me explain ..
but i malay .. english i broken .. hoho.
oke cite nye macam ni .. pade 19/3/13.
most important date for candidates who participate on MIPC
ape itu MIPC ?? 
MIPC tu stand for Business Idea/Business Plan Competition.
kenape pulak dengan event tu.??
aacite nye .. saye one of group yang participate dalam UUM ni..
nak kabor diri joined lew nii ??
orang lain pon banyak dah join derrr ..

bukan sebab banyak da join ke tak ..
kisahnya .. ini kali pertame join bende besor macam ni ..
masoknye pulak sem last . 
kalo orang lain dah bosan da dengan bende macam neh .
kan kan kan ??

acite nye lagi ..
nasib jugak menyebelahi kami group "TripleN-Z-A"
bila kami dinobatkan sebagai pemegang Grand Price for business plan ..
mak ai .. bukan calang calang tu ..
tanpe disangka idea "GULI" tu membawa tuah kepada group kami ..

for next stage , we will compete with other participate from others IPT whole Malaysia.
biggest achievement for me and friends.
bring us until here.

then , i officially want to say thank to my team mate,
to my room mate especially .
then to my course mate for the moral supports,
then to my lecturer to full attention towards us..
and to the biggest SYUKUR towards ALLAH,
for the opportunity give to us ..

oke . i think it enough .
(coke sundae story)

what i called rezeki . =)

my team mate

my team mate for ITPM

my lecturer 

with my course mate.

with all winner and participation.

Friday, 15 March 2013

suatu pagi dipagi jumaat

Assalamualaikum ..

wahh .. masok zaman denesor dah blog neh ..
huhu .. bila da lame dah tak jenguk ,,
singgah pun sat je ..
sedar tak sedar ..
lame jugak dah blog neh menapak ..
bukan tak nak berkongsi cerita selalu di sini ..
tapi mase tu kadang kadang mencemburi ..

Jumaat . genap jumaat yang ke 4 dah di UUM ..
it's mean dah sebulan di Sintok ..
tempat aku melengkapkan kehidupan aku sebagai mahasiswa ,,
bersama rakan rakan seperjuangan ..

sebulan genap aku bergelar pelajar tahun akhir ,,
semester akhir ..
penat jangan cerita ..
memanjang je need to think pasal project last sem ..
rabak . tak cukup tanah .
more or less next 2 months submit segale project .
aku akui PENAT & CUAK .

tapi tu tak bermaksud perlu down kan ??
belajar itu satu cabaran ..
so , hope sem last ni i gain more and more experiences and end of my journey wif happiness .

then ,, talked about my feeling that going finish my study .
tipu tak happy kan . ? of course la .. i am happy ..
i doesn't need to go away from my family .
where it wish from my mom . absolutely .

but, where actually i am . sincerely i " heavy heart " nak finishkan study taww ..
it's fact .
" ala nanti convo ko mai sini lagi ape ?? "
someones say .
yes. of course . i'll come back .
but as a  graduated student . who just comes to take my scroll of " BACHELOR IN IT with HONS " 
that times, everyone can changes .

it's called evolution of life .
not Darwin's theory ok .
ok . the end .

( coke sundae story )