Wednesday, 30 November 2011

mari belajar ...!

oke.....this time no emo2 anymore...
have a good condition just now...
thanx to my pwend coz bagi kaunseling n ceramah same saye...
a lot help me...(^^,)

oke for this time...i want to teach u how to speak in "MELAYU SARAWAK"
bahasa ibunda saya larrr....

oke lets us start now....before i proceed with sentences by sentences...
let's take a look for few words...maybe u don't know...
1.kitak = awak
2. kamek = saye
3. aok = ye.
4. sik / sik da = tidak / tiada..
5 sinun/ sia = sana
6. sitok = sini
7.ngerco/ngerepak = membebel
8.tukuk = ketok
9.bujat/ngegeh = nak expresskan perbuatan yang mengade
10. lawa = sombong
11.gaok = garang
12.manas = marah
13.juak = jua
14. mun = jika
15.sidak = mereka/sekumpulan orang
16. miak = budak
17.gago = peduli
18.kedak ya = macam tu
19.dolok = dulu
20. nangga = tengok

hurm.....i think enough until here....if i list one by one's took to many times...
jenuh nak pikiaq balik...(~.~")
da lame xbalik umah katekan...

so...kite balajar sentences je lar....maybe lagi mudah kot....
1. kitak mok pegi sine?? = awak nak g mane???
2. sikda nak g sine-sine, nak raon2 dolok = xde g mane-mane, nak jejalan dulu..
3.kitak apa polah = awak sedang buat ape???
4. kitak apa kabar tek?? = awak ape kabar??
5. sikda polah pa-pa = xde buat ape..
6. kamek kabar bait = saye sihat je....
7.iboh gago bah...= jangan nak sibok/ peduli la...
8.nak pa nak kedak ya = kenape jadi macam tu..
9.ngerco kitak ya = keadaan yang menyatakan seseorang sedang membebel..
10.kamek tengah moha tok..= saye tengah marah neh....

oke....i think enough with sentences....penat nak pikiaq ayat bhase sarawak weh..
coz saye gunekan bhasae yang xjaoh beze kot dari cni...tapi ade gak beze r...
mybe dah terbiase kat cni kot...hehehe

oke...hope it useful. !
oke one more p/s
if a boy r gurlz said ur "LAWA" dalam bahasa sarawak...
just pretend urself that u not "LAWA"
"LAWA= sombong" oke.!

oke....end here...

next times i'm shared lagi.....

(coke sundae entry)

untong larrr ade yang sayang !

ape kaitan dengan tajok.......
first time kat dalam blog aku ghase nak luah mende yang terbuku dihati....
ape lar BESAR sangat dose aku neh..???
hinggakan ade orang xsuke kat aku....???
aku ade kacaw hidop ko ke????
ghasenye aku xpernah lagi kacaw idop org....
manusia2...kekadang aku ghase penat sangat nak jage hati dan perasaan KO tu !!!
haishhhh !! geram pon ade.....
eyh...salah ker be matured cket...!
dalam hidop aku even aku rapat dengan sesiaper pon...
aku xpernah nak abaikan org sekeliling aku taw.....

mengucap2 liya.......
tercabar sungguh iman.......
ape pon hope ko sedor lar ape yang pernah ko lakukan,,,
think n think n think...!
ALLAH bagi akai tok pikiaq...
bukan buat hiasan....!

oke dah penat luah je lah kat cni
P/s : to DHEA.....jgn salah phm k...entry neh xde kaitan dengan awak...
saye betol2 dah xkuat sekarang...
just saye takot saye yang mase silam kembali...
saye takot saye jadi seorang yang baran kembali.....
mintak di jaohi semua tu.......


(coke sundae entry)

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

diari kampus biru

oke....nothing much to say tonight before i get my "EARLY" sleep after few day i slept at 4- 5 oclock...

here i want to shared a telefilm that will be launched sooner....
what best bout this film???
i don't want to comment much...because i haven't see  it yet...heheheh
but the best part it is......there have scene they act in UUM beloved u !
yeay ! (ayat sodap aty) hehehe

oke...don't waste our time...lets see the preview together-gether...

oke....enjoy it...wassalam...


sekali lagi blog saye di update.....
terghase rajin pulak.....
huhuhu (^^,)

tadi called ma.....waahhh..!
ghupe2 nye tengah dok borak pasai saye depa kat umah nuh..
hehehehe...rindu r tu...
(perasan jap)

cakap punye cakap........dah nak letak dah fon neh....
tibe2 ma cakap pasal aisyah.......
terbatal niat nak letak fon

mane x bagitaw aisyah dah pandai nyanyi.....!
siap lagu "AIR PASANG PAGI"
pulak tu.....haishh! (= =")
advance betol lar budak tu.....
serious rindu giler kat dye.....
InsyaALLAH....kalo keadaan mengizinkan.....cuty sem neh bole lar jumpe aisyah n bole balik kampong sekali......kalo keadaan tidak mengizinkan.......
menapak lar aku kat mane2 kat semenjung neh..!

tapi ghasenye ma akan swoh balik jugak....huhuhu..!
coz ma dah cakap kat abang tok book tiket..!
yeay !

oke....sampai sini dulu....
just lak luah ghase rindu n excited dengar cite ma pasal aisyah je.......
aisyah tunggu achik balik achik banje beli jajan oke...!
nak banje KEPCI....tgu mama n papa aisyah r bawak.....
hihihihi (^^,)


(coke sundae entry)


da pepagi bute pon saye sempat lagi nak hapdate blog ne......
entah lar...tibe2 dapat idea pulak....

kali neh entry untok "DHEA"
nak elaborate banyak xpayah kot......cukup lar "DHEA" tu tau sape "DHEA" pade saye...

tadi lepas jek siapkan "HOMEWORK" yang xsiap2 agy tu.....
tibe2 lak tertarik kat satu video kat u-tube neh......
nak taw video ape ??????
meh saye bagitaw......

ha........neh lar dye lagu tu......

this one for U....
AWAK adelah anugerah terindah bagi saye.....
AWAK adalah orang yang teristimewa dalam hidop saye.....
AWAK membawa sebaik senyuman bagi saye...(^^,)
thanx ya.....

oke...that all for today...
<1437 >

(coke sundae entry)

Monday, 28 November 2011


ape habaq noh....?? hope chat2 lar hendakNYA....
what was goes around today???
i'm also don't have any idea bout it....

actually today was down day for me....
sangat2 ghase down....rendah diri kut.........

tadi petang ade LAB TEST....
ape itu LAB TEST???
LAB TEST just like an mid-term for us (actually memang midterm)
untuk menguji kepakaran kami dalam membuat CODING....
ape CODING lak.....i'm no definition for it.....hard to explain....
but it  language that understand only for computer...
agak sakit kepale jugak r soklan petang td....
yang xsakit kepale pon keluaq pintu lab pon sakit pale.....
huhuhu (~__~)

seriously sekarang pon saye masih ghase sangat2 ghase nak TERJUN KATIL...
uwwwwaaaaa........macam mane lar nak jawab final nanti......
gerun2......xpernah ghase tension sangat macam neh......

oke r nak sampai sini dulu SURAT CINTA HATI YANG LUKA saye....
dah xmampu saye nak ungkapkan ape lagi melainkan tawakal....saye dah buat terbaik,,saye serah kepad ALLAH saje keputusannye nanti....
then kepade DHEA.....thankz for the support...
i'm really appreciate it...
thanx so much...!!
two thumb for u....

(coke sundae entry)

Sunday, 27 November 2011

~ Bujang ~

hei2......what up ollz......
hope ur in pink of health.....amin......

as  usual....already "sakit kepale" with study....n not proper time for me to study....
i update lar my blog..(^^,)

the story is
almaklum lar da masok tahon baru neh....
against i want to wish.... " SALAM MAAL HIJRAH "
 today nothing i'm to do...just prepare for fighting tomorrow...
quite worried bout it...huhuhu

oke...because i'm TER skip my lunch this afternoon......
so this evening my perut....ber SING a SONG lapor.......

so,,,,i'm opened my loker "DOREMON"
find something that can i bedal.....

 i found this....the last one after almost 2 month in my DOREMON loker....

and this.....

after that......what i do......aper lagi....dah lapaq bedai je larr ape yang ade.....

so i'm make megi "TOMYAM + TELOQ REBUS (DARI BP)
dari majis kawen my pwen......

so hasilnye.......

dah name pon BUJANG,,sangat2 simpe my lunch + dinner = xcukop ag sebenarnye,,,,
heehhehe (>.<)

tak sampai 10 minit....hasilnye...jadik macam neh.....

leeeeciiiinnnnn !! nampak benor lapor nye saye.....(^^,)
makan nye abes....tapi.....

airnye tang tu jekkk.......xsentoh2...huhuhu....
so....this is my story for new year today.......start wif meggi.....hehehee

oke...that ollz for today....i want to solat magrib then continue my pening2 for fighting tomorrow...


(coke sundae entry)

just 4 u

kali neh entry mood :: sad...
enta lar.....tachink?? xkot....just i wonder i had done to may wrong to dhea....
for awak.....i surely can't  express inside through words....maybe this one..can help me...just watch it...
i knew u will watch it....
so against "I SO SORRY"

and the other one.....hope u will be fine owes....

just simple song....but...i really mean it...

oke...if u watch it.....i'm just to say..." saya minta maaf n saye xmampu nak jadi yang terbaek" im sorry...
( T_T)


(coke sundae entry)

Saturday, 26 November 2011

~ KELUARGA part 2 ~

against......i comes.....(^^,) 
dah bosan buat korje2 kesenian even saye neh memang bute seni,,,,jenuh kutttt nak lukis.....huhuhu
dah xde idea n xtaw nak,,,,baik saye hapdate blog neh.... i'm promises before i want to introduces to my "FRUITS SON"

oke .... first ones is NUR AMIRAH SYAFIQAH...
my along's daughter....
she..12 years old...
want to know how she looks like....???
lets seee....

neh pix dye mase kecik r....pix mase dah besor ade kot kat entry sebelom neh....
kat entry "KELUARGA part 1"

oke...let's proceed.......seconds still anak along jugak...
names given was NUR FATIN NAIHAH....
just 3 years mude dari KAK FIFFY dye r.....
sekarang umoq dye 9 years old.

pict neh sungguh evergreen lar...teringat lak zaman kecik..
oke...neh lar KAK JI ( kalo saye panggil je kak JAH !! )
hahahhaa...kerna saye neh suke nak buli depa kalo balik umah...kui3....

then ,, lets me introduce to my 1st HERO in my family.....
name dye pon dah macam hero jugak da.....
MUHAMAD AMIRUL HAQ..( spesis hulk hogen neh!) huhuhu..
umoq dye neh 8 years olds

neh dye jejaka yang ronggak....( sekarang da tumbuh r gigi tu)
beze dye n akak dye tadi tu 1 tahun je,,,,,,

lepas je HAQ neh dilahirkan.....beberape tahun after that( xingt r berape)
satgi ingat balik.....maka lahirlah......bakal CIKGU KAMI.....
yang neh pulak 6 years old..

neh lar orang nye.......kalo kat umah mase saye xde.....mulut dye...pergghhh!! bukan main lincah lagi berkate2......sampai ma dengar pon bole gelak....
tapi....kalo saye called...cakap dengan dye.....jawab "HELLO" pon dah macam tunggu emas keluaq dari mulut dye....haishhhhh...hairan (==") it's i'm to 'garang"

ha....the last one anak along is.....budak yang saye suke..!! tapi dye xnak kat saye melainkan kalo bawak dye g kedai.......sape????
sape lagi......MUHAMAD FATHI AFZAN
dan jejake mate besor neh...... 3 tahon lebih kot..agaknye ( xingat larrr)

neh lar orang nye......antara cucu kesayangan atok dye...kalo dah kate nak keluaq jejalan tu...
terpakse jugak ayah ambo mengalah...(kesian kat ayah)
nak buat macam maner....ayah pon nak jugak bawak...hikhikhik..(^^,)

another anak sedare lagi....daughter my sis....
si comellll NUR AISYAH QADRYNA....
anak chinse sesat lak nak masok 3 tahon.....

hehehe....banyak2 anak sedare saye.... dye neh lar yang paling nakal...ghasenye lar...
sape lar dye ikut neh (==")
kalo dah nak main tu...sanggop berebut mainan dengan abang dye.....(anak along last tu)
sampaikan abg dye lak mengalah....( takot kene pukol sebnarnye) 
hahahhaha...coz aisyah neh garang.... : P 

oke...last but not least...hope lepas neh bertambah2 lagi r....hhahahahaha
sape lagi...kalo bukan...."RAZIQ DANISH"
anak abang no 3...
then enchem boy neh baw setaun lebih...( ^^,)

tada......................enchem x??? huhuhu...
saye tengok pon geram.....!!

by the way.....semue yang kat atas neh....semue anak2 sedare saye
oke...asenye cukup r sampai disini....
buat entry neh sebanarnye...ghase rindu kat  depa2 neh....
xsabar nak balik n buli depa...bagi yang da tue2 tu r
hahahahaha(gelak jahat)


(coke sundae entry)

my day...

hey's already end of Islamic years...
yesterday was last Friday for 1432...then tomorrow we comes to 1433 H...
SALAM MAAL HIJRAH from me to u ollz..
if 1/1 every years we will install new "AZAM" right....
so for new azam for 1433 us what???
hope what u ollz punye azam will be full fills.... amin.....

oke....done for ucpan new years....
lets for next about your day today...??? 
hope everything fine.....for me....i'm not really fine...
this morning,,as usual i need go to curriculum activities...
but unlucky for me and my team (JPAM) was,,what should we do....
just proceed with the activities... 
with wet cloths....and some headache... i just join the activities..
for is not a barrier for me to be a savior.....huhuhu.....
oke.....for the award cause played with the body temperature quite increases just now....
more hotter than usual....
"coincidir con la cara "
 oke...this entry quite boring because me also bored...
my roommate already back....huhuhuhu...
bored2.....that olllzzzz...

Friday, 25 November 2011

just now i'm trying something new about my's have some renovation 
for my lovely's quite make me addict to spend more2 time for it...(~~")
damn it....huhuhu...( sorry for rude word ) 
oke until here only....another time i will update it......
the most i like in my blog just my signature..(^^,)V
quite take time for me to search a tutorial bout it....
at last...i got it....soooooo happy !!

~ KELUARGAKU part 1 ~

 hurmm.... ape kabar semue... (^^,)
hope semuenyae baik2 n sentiase dalam keadaan chat sejahtera.....
hari ini saye nak mencritakan prihal family saye pulak....
saye sebanrnye ade 7 org adik beradik......then saye anak yang ke 6...
tibe2 nak cite pasal family lak......
cite UUM yg dulu pon xabes lagi.....
xpe2..kite bukak buku baru...huhuhu
oke.....dari saye terus mengarut xtentu pasal.....lets saye mulekan......

oke....first of ollz...sure korang nak taw kan sape ma n ayah saye,,,,,

ape macam...??? muke sape yang sebijik macam saye...hehhe...oppzzz mane nak taw kan....t akan ade part muke saye lak muncul...

oke.....for second pulak...sure r ALONG saye.....
tapi malangnye....pict along sorang2,,,,,pict dye sekeluarge r aku bedai....hahahaa

kat cni along saye adelah yang lelaki tu...then sudah tentu wife dye tu kakak ipar saye....
ha.....neh lar along saye.....

then...after my along,,,sure lar  ANGAH saye.....
neh dye...

jangan ingat yang pakai baju melayu purple tu pulak angah saye.....tu ayah saye tu....
angah yang berdiri tu....sori lar pix x jelas sangat....angah saye neh susah cket ambek gambor....same mcm saye jugak...(bajet perasan hahaha..)

next...after ANGAH,,,AKAK pulak.......
neh dye.....

kalo sesiape perasan...pict neh penah gune tok entry seblom2 neh.....hehehe...malas nak edit pakai gne je lah yang lame.....
neh lar dye akak...ataupon mama aisyah.....pict papa aisyah xde lak...huhuhu

oke....after AKAK...then,, ABANG....huhuhuhu

oke....neh lar abg n akak ipar aku...hehehhee....depa ade lah ayah n mama kepade "RAZIQ DANISH"
anak sedare saye yg comel tu....huhuhu =P
so,,,bole caye lar kan nape Raziq comel...hahahhahaa

yang ke 5.....AkAK lagi....hehe.....
neh lar org nye......

oke....neh  AKAK saye yang kat sebelom saye.......last year bwu gred dari UITM SHAH ALAM..
ghase tergugat sehhhh..! huhuhu...btw....dye ade lah sumber inspirasi...(^^,)

ha.......sampai turn ke 6 pulak......saye.....

nak jugak tunjuk muke...hahahha.....neh pict mase sambut raye puase kat johor last year...(^^,)

then....last but not least.....ADEK aka UCU ( anak2 sedare panggil lar)

ha.....neh dye adek bongsu saye......huhuhu...even saye neh haty batu....tapi bile dgn dye...bole caerrr taw...
coz saye sayang sngat2 kat dye....walau dah tue bangke...hahahhaha

oke....that all for this time.....
asenye semue bole wat perbandingankan muke saye look like sape...huhuhuhu
next times entry for my lovely anak2 sedare lak.......
tunggu ye...(^^,)

oke wassalam...

(coke sundae entry)

salam....against.....already midnite da...
tadi dok sibokk3.....carik pict kartun comel2 tok jadikan saye nye interface tok asgnmnet setrusnye....
tibe2......saye terjumpe...pict neh......


hehehe.....until now...i still watch diz cartoon u know....hahahaha
comel sesangat.....xpadan dengan umoq yang dah tue bangke.... =P

the most ahli depa yang cheq suka is "PO"

then y i like dye lagi...becoz dye yg paling kecik n bongsu.... comel r....hahaha..

oke...until here saje dulu....
saje nak mengimbau kenangan mase kecik2...ehhe...

nyte n wassalam....(^^,)

(coke sundae entry)

Thursday, 24 November 2011

hati bengke'

salam...............another weeks sudah berlalu.....
bagi kami yang dok mengaji(belajaq) kat belah2 utara neh r......
kan system pembelajaran kat cne berbeze cket dari tempat aku sendiri...
ye lar kan biasenye kat tempat aku kalo hari ahad..sure time2 mcm neh aku sedap dok cuci mate dengan kaum keluarge ku....kalo pon xbersame depa aku dok keluaq dengan 
kengkawan aku.......
tapi......kat cni....ahad aku gagahkan jugak kaki ku melangkah untuk mencapai hasratku..(perghhh ! ayat dramatik sungguh )..
kat cni...ahad aku dah start kuliah.....then ....khamis dah cukup 5 hari kuliah...
even aku time kuliah aku 4 hari je...huhuhu
mane x nye....pandai susun jadual sebelum masok sem.....
yang sebenarnye aku memang nak 1 hari untuk aku rehatkan diri dari hadir kuliah.....
dan hari yang bertuah pulak...hari selase......huhuhu

aku malas nak cite panjang2...even idea banyak lagi....
t r lain kali aku cite....
malas nak membebel kat cni.....
even hati tengah bergeloora dengan perasaan bercampor2...( macam tomyam campor)
wahhh..! sedap siot...! lame x makan da...esok2 je lar bedal....oke....


(coke sundae entry)

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

~today my life begin~

ari neh settle tok 2 prezentation aku,,,,,,
even minggu neh aku sangat2 xcukup tdo n makan....
tapi berbaloi gak r buat otak aku sakit pale siapkan project yg menggunkan bende yanga ku xpernah buat...
by the way...prezentation tadi takede lah perfect sangat coz banyak lagi yang kurang
tapi sekurang-kurangnye aku boleh jawab soklan2 yang ditanye oleh lect aku...
but i can't stop until here....
next week another week yang lagi penat for,,,get ready r...
ape2 pon...i will try to control my stress n just be relax..
that only way i be cool.......huhuhu

oke util here storyboard waiting me to finish it....
hope can be done by tonight.....

to awak :::: take care owes keyh....
xmo stress2....

kalo stess i just like diz... (^^,)


(coke sundae entry)

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

for another day....i want to luahkan perasaan sangat2 bersyukur pada ALLAH
kerana sehingga saat dan waktu ini still lagi bole bernafas n berfikir....
then another "ALHAMDULLILAH" for kemenangan "HARIMAU MALAYA"

hurmmmmmm....ape sebenarnya nak luah ea???
don't.........just empty space in my mind think that person....
dhea sangat2 bermakna bagi saye.....
sampaikan kalo dhea msg saye mase tgok bola pon saye tolak tepi dulu bola....huhuhu
(*perlu ke bagitaw*)
but for me.....dhea sangat2 menyenangkan saye....(^^,)

oke......sampai sini saje dulu....
bagaimana berubah,,dimana,sejaohmana pon saye.....
awak tetap di "special " place in there....

SAYE S*G KAMOO CANGAT2....hehehhe...


(coke sundae entry)