mari belajar ...!
oke.....this time no emo2 anymore...have a good condition just now...thanx to my pwend coz bagi kaunseling n ceramah same saye...a lot help me...(^^,)
oke for this time...i want to teach u how to speak in "MELAYU SARAWAK"heeeeeeehheehe....bahasa ibunda saya larrr....
oke lets us start now....before i proceed with sentences by sentences...let's take a look for few words...maybe u don't know...1.kitak = awak2. kamek = saye3. aok = ye.4. sik / sik da = tidak / tiada..5 sinun/ sia = sana6. sitok = sini7.ngerco/ngerepak = membebel8.tukuk = ketok9.bujat/ngegeh = nak expresskan perbuatan yang mengade10. lawa = sombong11.gaok = garang12.manas = marah13.juak = jua14. mun = jika15.sidak = mereka/sekumpulan orang16. miak = budak17.gago = peduli18.kedak ya = macam tu19.dolok = dulu20. nangga = tengok
hurm.....i think enough until here....if i list one by one's took to many times...jenuh nak pikiaq balik...(~.~")da lame xbalik umah katekan...
so...kite balajar sentences je lar....maybe lagi mudah kot....1. kitak mok pegi sine?? = awak nak g mane???2. sikda nak g sine-sine, nak raon2 dolok = xde g mane-mane, nak jejalan dulu..3.kitak apa polah = awak sedang buat ape???4. kitak apa kabar tek?? = awak ape kabar??5. sikda polah pa-pa = xde buat ape..6. kamek kabar bait = saye sihat je....7.iboh gago bah...= jangan nak sibok/ peduli la...8.nak pa nak kedak ya = kenape jadi macam tu..9.ngerco kitak ya = keadaan yang menyatakan seseorang sedang membebel..10.kamek tengah moha tok..= saye tengah marah neh....
oke....i think enough with sentences....penat nak pikiaq ayat bhase sarawak weh..coz saye gunekan bhasae yang xjaoh beze kot dari cni...tapi ade gak beze r...mybe dah terbiase kat cni kot...hehehe
oke...hope it useful. !oke one more p/sif a boy r gurlz said ur "LAWA" dalam bahasa sarawak...just pretend urself that u not "LAWA""LAWA= sombong" oke.!
oke....end here...
next times i'm shared lagi.....
wassalam....(^^,)(coke sundae entry)
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